As a 22-year-old student, I had the amazing opportunity to travel around Europe the summer before I graduated college and step into the real world. I had been wanting to backpack around Europe for many years and finally had the opportunity to do so with a dear friend. Our first trip to Europe was truly memorable.
6 weeks around Europe has been on my bucket list and I was so excited for the chance to actually do it

Kayaking in Sant Felui de Guixols, Spain
My first few international travels were close to home; Mexico, Panama, The Bahamas; but I have never traveled to Europe until now. I’ve never felt so nervous, overwhelmed, and excited. Not knowing my way around a new place was pretty nerve racking. I was afraid of feeling truly uncomfortable, but thankfully, my best friend joined me on this trip and I was incredibly happy to have a partner in crime for this journey!

Gardens of the Royal Palace of Madrid
Being completely out of your comfort zone, I learned, is the best part
Now, 6 weeks of constant travel was exhausting. My mom called it “traveling like the Griswalds” *insert imitation of taking a photo* and then jetting off again. The first half of the trip did feel like that, however, we were so hyped up on excitement, we didn’t really care. We wanted to see as many things as possible since we have no idea when we would be able to come back.
Lost in the city? That’s okay
Don’t know any basics of the native language? Study a bit beforehand, listen, and learn
There absolutely were times where it was not pretty traveling. The jet lag was horrible, getting lost countless of times which equaled losing time on what we wanted to see, public transport nightmares, the list of fails goes on and on. Despite the few unpleasant times, my first trip to Europe could not have been better.
It will inspire you and you will be in awe of everything around you. In the US, just before graduating university, I felt lost and stuck. Lost in the sense that I didn’t want to pursue a career in my field of study anymore but was too close to graduating to change. Stuck in the sense that I would have no job prospects after graduating and I was definitely not going to continue waitressing making less than minimum wage after college. This summer of travel and exploration gave me insight into something I could really see myself pursuing and enjoying. I couldn’t be more grateful I had this travel experience in the summer of 2016. It couldn’t have come at a better time.
I experienced history in the making while in Wales as a Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. I experienced the continuous excitement of numerous football soccer) fan from all over the world cheering for their home country during the Euro Cup in Paris. And I stood atop of an active volcano in Italy. I learned so many things while traveling. I learned about people outside of my home country. I learned about other cultures. I learned to open my mind more. I learned to be more accepting. I learned how to be alone. I learned how to let go and to enjoy the adventures as they come.
9 countries, 17 cities, in 42 days and they all had something great to offer.
For those wanting to take a leap and travel abroad, I can’t recommend it enough.
Whoever said “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends” wasn’t kidding.
I took something home with me everywhere I went. And I can’t wait to go back.
Check out my post about one of the best parts of Spain with How to Spend a Weekend in Mallorca
Additional resources I used to plan this backpacking trip include the following: